Grammy U Menteeship
As a member of the Recording Academy, Night was accepted into the Grammy U menteeship for two semesters for Fall ‘22 and Spring ‘23.
Learning about the music industry, workflow, and expert tips from working professionals and members of the Recording Academy is an invaluable experience that has shaped her Senior year as an Undergraduate.
009 and Michael “Romo” Romanowski
In the Fall, she was mentored by Michael Romanowski of Coast Mastering, where she was guided in surround sound Music Industry best practices and standards, deep listening, and nuggets of wisdom. She enjoyed listening to "How Deep Is Your Love" by the Bee Gees for the first time in a mastering studio, and discussing how the audio was assigned and panned to the speakers.
Romo was kind enough to let Night take control of the console for a while and explore shaping and placing the sound in a 9.6.2 environment and it was totally awesome!
In the Spring, Night was mentored by Brian “BT” Gibbs of Skyline Entertainment & Publishing, where she learned about songwriting techniques, expert DAW and Mixing techniques, and marketing and promotion of music. She learned valuable lessons about producing her music for Mingle and received awesome guidance for technical workflow.
Brian “BT” Gibbs and 009
Night is very grateful to Grammy U for the opportunity to learn from two amazing professionals! The lessons she took away will remain throughout her career and she highly recommends the Grammy U program to all aspiring Music Industry professionals.